Liquidation Audit Report for Meydan Free Zone

Liquidation Audit Report for Meydan Free Zone
Liquidation audit report for Meydan Free Zone is mandatory to submit by all the companies who want to close their license in Meydan. Xact Auditing is offering best and fast liquidation report services for Meydan free zone companies in UAE. Xact is one of the approved audit firms by Medyan Free Zone.
What is Liquidation Report?
A company liquidation report is a mandatory requirement for a company’s business license cancellation obtained from Meydan Free Zone. This service offers assistance to companies with minimum or no activities to generate the mandatory documents for liquidation/canceling the company. Business owners in UAE need to comply with all the rules and regulation set out by the Meydan free zone authority to wind up their company without any hassle.
Xact Auditing is offering best services of liquidation with a reasonable price. Our auditors prepare accurate liquidation report by safeguarding the interests of the company. We are one of the best liquidators in UAE.
Documents Required to Prepare a Liquidation Audit Report
Following documents are required in order to prepare liquidation audit report for Meydan Free Zone:
1. Sales invoices (Summary)
2. Purchase invoices (Summary)
3. Bank statement
4. Details of salaries paid
5. Expense invoices (License cost, visa cost or any other cost)
6. Bank closure letter
7. Declaration letter
8. Board resolution
9. Memorandum of Association (MOA)
10. Trade License
Purpose of the Liquidation Audit
The objective of a liquidation audit is to ensure that all the company matters are dealt with and all the assets of the company are realized. It is to make sure that company is closed and all the debts are cleared and there are no liabilities on the company. It is compulsory to submit a liquidation report from an audit firm to the relevant authorities in order to finish the liquidation process.
Liquidation Services for Meydan Free Zone Companies
The liquidation report has to be from the appointed Meydan liquidator of the Board. Xact Auditing is one of the approved audit firm by the Meydan Free Zone. We are offering best services of company liquidation in Dubai. If you are looking for best and reasonable liquidation report services for a Meydan free zone company, contact us.
Xact Services
I have a company licensed with Meydan Free Zone and I would like to cancel this license.
Request for your assistance.
Hello Sadik,
Thank you for your comment. One of our representatives will get in touch with you over the email. We will surely provide you with the best and affordable liquidation report for Meydan Free zone.